"Transfers" is the story of world-renowned psychiatrist Dr. Alan Herzog, the foremost exponent of hypnosis and regression therapy who believes that present psychological problems can be traced to past life experiences. In the two cases that unfold, he meets his greatest challenge.
When Alan returns to his institute in Carmel, California, after probing his own past lives in Moscow where he'd gone to verify and improve his methodology, he meets up with Louisa Martin, a new patient who will put his method, and his life, to the test. Louisa's face is badly disfigured by a skin disorder that defies all conventional medical and psychiatric approaches. At the same time, another patient appears—the young, beautiful psychic Virginia Taylor, who is struggling with her own demons as she attempts to shed the "gift" that threatens her very existence. During Louisa's regression therapy, or transfers, Alan is propelled into the shadowy world of the occult and restless spirits influenced by Virginia. A royal battle of untoward force ensues for the very soul of Louisa as a test of wills erupts between Virginia and Alan.
"Transfers" is an intricate story that is revealed layer by layer by peeling away the fragile fabric of these people's lives until there is nothing left except the final, terrifying end.
Erna Olinger was an acclaimed dancer before turning to writing. Author of "Transfers," she also authored the classic science-fiction novel, "The Ademian Line," and the science-thriller, "BioHazard Red," as well as an autobiography of her world-famous dance career, "Memoirs In Toe Shoes."
"Transfers" By Erna Olinger Quality Paperback 248 Pages Publication Date: February 2005 ISBN-10: 0972400761 ISBN-13: 9780972400763 $13.95 - USA